On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 21:32 -0400, Curt Howland wrote:
> Good evening I just finished installing Sid, after having lots of 
> stress with the loss of kdelibs4 when trying to simply keep Sid 
> updated.
> Anyway, where in KDE 3.4.2 is the option to edit the right-click 
> "context menu" for Konqueror and the desktop?
> The "Delete" option is missing. I don't use the "trash" folder 
> option. "shift-del" key-chord works fine, but I cannot find 
> where to re-add it to the context menu.

Start up the Control Center (KControl). Go to KDE Components followed by
File Manager. Then, click on the Behavior tab. You'll see a checkbox
for: "Show 'Delete' context menu entries which bypass the trashcan"

Rick's Law: What cannot be imagined will be accomplished by a fool.

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