On Sunday 18 September 2005 08:53, Hendrik Sattler was heard to 
> Am Sonntag, 18. September 2005 14:11 schrieb Curt Howland:
> > Worse, the warrantee specifies that if I install anything
> > over the WinXP that the laptop came with, my hardware
> > warrantee is void.
> Hmm, vendors often write things that are not compliant with
> local law (they try anyway), e.g. the above statement would
> probably be meaningless in Germany.

Quite likely. Governments do tend to interfere with freedom of 

It's been "in the shop" three times, the second time the DVD 
drive failed so badly that I couldn't get the Windows recovery 
disks to read. I thought they would notice it booted Linux, but 
sure enough it came back with WinXP.

Backups are a GoodThing(tm), one never knows when they might be 


September 11th, 2001
The proudest day for gun control and central 
planning advocates in American history

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