>I have one computer with 2 users, one usually using kde (3.4.2), the 
>other another wm/desktop env (Window Maker, or gnome).
>It use kdm.
>Is there a command that does the same thing than "K Menu->Switch
>User->Start a new session", so that I can start a new session from
>another 'wm' than kde, or switch to an existing other session?

Hi, I didn't find any command to control kdm (in a shell script), so
when I use another window manager than KDE, it is impossible to switch
to another session (excepted by login in a terminal console, and
launching kde after that, solution that I want to avoid for my
non-graphical allergic users).

So I had to switch from kdm to gdm, that provide a menu item to open a
new session, and integrates with xscreensaver, providing a 'New login'
button in the 'this session is locked' dialog.

This solution doesn't satisfy me, because I feel that it prevent the
adoption of kdm independently from a wm... But, it works ;-)

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