El Miércoles, 28 de Septiembre de 2005 15:24, Rigo Wenning escribió:
> I complained about this a long time ago to KMail developers. KMail does
> not store the metadata (Flags and the like) back into the file, but
> only in the index files. (For some performance reason, but Mutt is
> faster and does it)
> Now once touched with Mutt, Mutt writes back the metadata into the mbox,
> the KMail indexes are corrupt and one loses all the flags (read-replied
> deleted, etc). I don't know if this is also true for the
> maildir-format, but KMail is definitely locking in the user with this
> behavior. If you only have a terminal, you can't read your mail remote.
> The only way out is using IMAP and accessing it from different clients.

        No, it changes the filenames, as far as I know:

-rw-rw-r--  1 ender ender  1469 sep 18  2002 1032160529.8617.MYBT:2,RS
-rw-rw-r--  1 ender ender  2083 sep 18  2002 1032370719.16260.amNs:2,S
-rw-rw-r--  1 ender ender  2527 ene 17  2003 1032970004.13325.X1L8:2,S
-rw-rw-r--  1 ender ender  2035 abr 28  2003 1051531899.16760.dQzI:2,S
-rw-rw-r--  1 ender ender  2444 sep 17  2003 1052062900.16760.DkV0:2,S
-rw-rw-r--  1 ender ender  3111 oct 15  2004 1097478594.6170.ZTHEL:2,S
-rw-rw-r--  1 ender ender 10272 jul 26 16:20 1122387654.3012.qLs7u:2,S

        See the stuff added at the end. With it you can recreate the state of 
folder without problem.

        I changed all my KMail folders to Maildir format a couple of years ago 
order to avoid corruption.


I'm packing your extra pair of shoes and your ANGRY eyes!
                -- Mrs. Potato to Mr. Potato (Toy Story 2).
Debian developer

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