El Martes, 22 de Noviembre de 2005 05:12, Wulfy escribió:
> I have a strange problem with Konqueror.  If I click on a folder on my
> desktop or in the Konqueror file-manager window I get an alert "KDEInit
> could not launch '<whatever-the-URL>' ", once for the desktop folders
> and twice within Konqueror.  Same thing happens with the icon bar
> navigation icons.  Yet I can open folders in a new tab OK.
> If I start Konqueror from the command line I get the following:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ konqueror
> kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::initPrivate(): trying to assign a
> shortcut (Alt+Plus) to an unnamed action.
> kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::initPrivate(): trying to assign a
> shortcut (Alt+Minus) to an unnamed action.
> konqueror: ERROR: Error in BrowserExtension::actionSlotMap(), unknown
> action : searchProvider
> konqueror: ERROR: Error in BrowserExtension::actionSlotMap(), unknown
> action : searchProvider
> konqueror: ERROR: Error in BrowserExtension::actionSlotMap(), unknown
> action : searchProvider
> konqueror: ERROR: Error in BrowserExtension::actionSlotMap(), unknown
> action : searchProvider
> konqueror: ERROR: Error in BrowserExtension::actionSlotMap(), unknown
> action : searchProvider
> KonqSidebar::property( "modified" ) failed: property invalid or does not
> exist
> KonqKfmIconView::property( "modified" ) failed: property invalid or does
> not exist
> kio (KDirWatch): WARNING: KDirWatch::removeDir can't handle '/'
> [It starts in browser mode, I change to file-manager mode and try to
> open a folder in the window. I am not trying to remove anything, despite
> the last line!]

That's not for removing a anything, is for watching for changes in a directory 

> I tried googling but nothing useful coming up.  I've tried
> dpkg-reconfigure for both Konqueror and KDEInit.  Nothing changed.  I
> logged out and in again, same thing.  I even (in desperation!)
> rebooted.  Then I was doing something else and using the "Super User
> Mode File Manager" and everything worked, at least within Konqueror.
> So it looks like something in my user configuration got hosed.  I have
> no idea where to look and what to do to fix it.  Any ideas?  If I
> haven't given enough info, just tell me what commands to use and I'll
> post the output.

If a new user can browse OK, then as the broken user:

$ kbuildsyscoca --noincremental

may help. If not, try to reinstall kdelibs

# apt-get --reinstall install kdelibs4

But may be just reconstructing the lib cache (or whatever this command do) 
makes the job:

# ldconfig

Do you have prelink installed?

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