Isaac Clerencia wrote:

> On Saturday, 14 January 2006 14:10, Jan Schledermann wrote:
>> Any ideas?
> What permissions do you have on /tmp?
> It should be:
> % ls -ld /tmp
> drwxrwxrwt 14 root root 3072 2006-01-14 13:16 /tmp

        That's OK!
> Do you have a
> drwxrwxrwt  2 root  root       1024 2006-01-14 10:20 .ICE-unix
> file after trying to start as normal user?

        Yes - with the normal user as owner

> Do you have that file after trying to start as root?

        Yes - with root as owner

And here it is getting interesting. Running startkde from an xterm, as a
non-root user, actually gives me the error message:
        "Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root"

So your questions where right on the money.
The $10000 question is then: "How to make sure that .ICE-unix actually IS
set to root AUTOMATICALLY by kde???

I spent some time snooping around on the kde 3.5 system which was upgraded
from kde 3.4 to see if I could spot any differences. And I could.
The 2 systems that I recently installed where installed from scratch with
the xorg server, whereas the working system was changed on the fly from
xfree86 to xorg. 
Though x11-common is installed on the non-working systems, there is
no /etc/init.d/x11-common file present. On the working systems
both /etc/init.d/x11-common and /etc/init.d/x86free-common are present.
The x11-common is actually called upon starting up. In this script
the .ICE-unix directory is set up.

I extracted the relevant code from the x11-common script and inserted it in
the script below, and run it from /etc/rc5 (which is my x-runlevel:

#/etc/init.d/ice-unix_init script
# jan 15, 2006


if [ -e $ICE_DIR ] && [ ! -d $ICE_DIR ]; then
    mv $ICE_DIR $ICE_DIR.$$
mkdir -p $ICE_DIR
chown 0:0 $ICE_DIR
chmod 1777 $ICE_DIR

# end of script

And everything is working now.
If I ever happen to get bored enough I my try to find out why this
happend ;-)

Anyway thanks for your help, and my apologies for wasting your time by not
picking up on the error message by myself.

Best regards

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