Dnia niedziela, 19 lutego 2006 20:40, Randy Kramer napisał:
> On Sunday 19 February 2006 12:16 pm, Robert Gomułka wrote:
> > 1. Open page http://www.napisy.org (Polish page with subtitles)
> >
> > In my case: KDE 3.5.1, tested with KDE_LANG unset (Polish locales) and
> > set to en_US - the same effect.
> I don't see the problem (with kde 3.4.2 on Mandriva2006).  (I also shrunk
> the browser (width) considerably before trying the middle click (so that
> the result is wider than my page)--no effect on the browser width.
> BTW, that's an interesting site--is that the movie's dialog in Polish?  If
> so, I'd like to find a site like that for the dialog in English (at least
> for some movies where I have trouble making out all the words).
> Randy Kramer
yes, the site has Polish subtitles for movies. It has been created by 
volunteers, who have translated movies from hearing. That is legal according 
to our law, in opposite to providing direct copy of e.g. DVD subtitles, which 
are copyright protected. Yes, you can of course search for English subtitles 
on that page, but they would be rather uncommon (if I remember clean).

Best regards,

W polskim Internecie są setki milionów stron. My przekazujemy Tobie tylko 
najlepsze z nich!

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