On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 11:23:18 -0300, Gurvan Huiban wrote:
> On Sunday 30 April 2006 11:01, Florian Kulzer wrote:
> > > Actually, it works great. The only  thing that bothers me is that I don't
> > > know how to define my own actions? I searched, but I could not find how
> > > to do it.
> >
> > If I remember correctly, you can choose from a set of standard actions
> > when you insert a new media type for the first time. You can change this
> > later and also select other programs/commands to handle a given media
> > type if you go to "K-Menu > Control Center > Storage Media >
> > Notifications > Add / Toggle as Auto Action". (You also need to activate
> > the three options on the "Advanced" tab for this to work.)
> That's correct. I missed it.
> However, I can't make it work the way I would like to. For instance, let's 
> suppose that I want to mount automatically any removable device, without 
> opening Konqueror window.
> I created and added to the unmounted removable device the "Automount" action, 
> executing the following command:
> pmount %u
> But it does nothing! (actually, I don't know exactly what is this %u. My 
> guess 
> is that it is a string corresponding to the /dev/device_detected).
> And when I click on the help, it says something like "write me",  which is 
> not 
> so helpful :o)

Yes, I could not find any good help on this either. I then used

kdialog --msgbox %u

as the command. You get a message box which tells you that %u is
actually the URL to the device as konqueror needs it, i.e. something
like "system:/media/sda1". Not surprisingly, pmount does not like this
at all. I tried to use sed or cut to extract the relevant part of this
string and pipe it to pmount, but this does not work if I put it into
the command box directly, probably because %u does not fit into the
normal shell parameter expansion scheme.

In the end I had to do it using a short bash script:

#! /bin/bash
# pmount-wrapper script to automount removable devices

pmount /dev${1#system:/media}

If you save this as "pmount-wrapper.sh" (without the two scissor lines)
and make it executable for your user, you can set the command to

pmount-wrapper.sh %u

and the automounting should work. Of course, the script has to be
somewhere in your $PATH so that it can be found, or you have to specify
the full path explicitly in the command box.


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