Le lun 4 septembre 2006 22:09, Larry Garfield a écrit :
> Hi folks.  For the past 3 days or so, when my KMail sync with an IMAP
> account, I frequently get an error to the effect of "Messages in
> folder X were deleted on the server.  Delete them locally?"  It then
> lists several UIDs, which don't seem to have any pattern.
> I am fairly certain that nothing is being deleted, as regardless of
> whether I click Yes or No it doesn't seem like anything is removed,
> at least from my local copy.  (I'm using Disconnected IMAP so that my
> local filters work.) But every time it complains it blocks the IMAP
> process, and if I'm away from my computer at the time, it means it
> blocks it until I come back and push a button.
> Any idea what's going on?  Should I be worried about data loss here? 
> Is this a KMail problem or IMAP server problem?

to complement what Fathi said: it asks you (before actually doing so) if 
it's ok to delete messages on your IMAP server, each time that it does 
a d-imap sync.

So if it does not happen just after that you deleted some message in 
some folders, then it's a problem.
·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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