On Tuesday 18 November 2008, Mark Allums <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about 'Re: 
KDE 4.2':
>watching the release process for a while, it seems like some rethinking
>of the system is due, if bugfixes can't be done to KDE 3 in Lenny after
>4 enters unstable.  The current setup seems a mite inflexible.  To me,
>the newbie.

I think perhaps the packaging needs to change.  KDE 3 and KDE 4 should both 
be available and co-installable in Lenny (and probably Squeeze).  It's not 
like the KDE project stopped maintaining KDE 3 once KDE 4 was out.  Sure 
KDE 3 will need to be dropped at some point, but perhaps sometime after 
upstream.drops it.

E.g. have kde4base and kde3base be real packages and have kdebase be a 
package that just depends on one of them.  For Lenny, kde3base, for 
Squeeze kde4base.  (I do realize that this approach would imply fixing a 
crap-ton of packages that have a dependency on a kde package with no 
version number in the name.)

IMHO, KDE 4 isn't really an upgrade to KDE 3 -- It's really a completely 
new product -- moving away from dcop over to dbus, the rethinking of the 
desktop, at least 5 new subsystems, and settings migration is hit-or-miss.

It seems to me that this migration would be similar to GTK-1.x to GTK-2.x; 
what did Debian as a community learn from that migration?

Disclaimer:  I mostly dislike KDE 4 right now.  It doesn't have my 
applications for the most part (this isn't really the fault of anyone; I 
use a lot of application written for KDE, but not maintained by the KDE 
project), and I could probably have done without plasma for the 
foreseeable future.  I'm quite happy with KDE 3 and will probably be using 
it as long as KDE maintains it.

Also, I know this kind of thinking is a bit late in the game and may not be 
incredibly helpful.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-' 
http://iguanasuicide.org/                      \_/     

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