El Friday 06 March 2009 11:03:15 Enzo Cappa escribió:
> Hi! Following is the description of my problem:
> I use Debian Unstable with KDE 4.2 installed from Experimental.
> In menus of Netbeans 6.0.1 (installed via apt) I have problems with menus.
> The problems appears when I open a menu and  move the mouse pointer above
> it, the selected menu option isn't the one indicated by the pointer, is
> other that is  around 3 options in the top of it. And when I click the
> mouse, the selected option is the one indicated by the selection rollover
> (not the actually pointed by the mouse pointer).
> This situation is present in KDE 4.2, but not in XFCE 4, thats why I think
> that may be a problem related with KDE.
> I hope you understand my explanation. Thanks!!
> pd: Sorry for my english.

 Are you using gtk-qt-engine-kde4 ?

Hiroshima '45,
Chernobyl '86,
Windows   '95.
 Grafitti en Niceto Vega 5940,
 Buenos Aires. De una foto de
 Mario Gallo.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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