In <>, Michael Schuerig wrote:
>- I don't seem to be able to move widgets around, even though the panel
>is unlocked. On the left, there's the KMenu and plugged-in devices. On
>the far right I've managed to add a few application buttons,
>logout/lock, and trash. Over most of the space in the middle, the system
>tray stretches out.

I've only had luck moving widgets when the panel settings are displayed.  At 
point you can click a widget once to "grab" it, then move your pointer to 
where you want it and click to "drop" it.

Regarding the system tray:  Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's an upstream bug (I 
had a few people confirm it a couple of week ago on one of the KDE lists).  
The system tray seems to want to take all the extra space on the panel, unless 
it is on a panel with the Task Manager (or possibly another expanding widget.  
I haven't gotten around to filing a bug, and just worked around it locally.

>- Where do the panels get their colors from?

IIRC, your desktop theme.  Right click an empty spot on your desktop, choose 
Appearance, it should be on the first tab as a drop-down with previews.

>- Is the digital clock really so dumb as to display the date in a second
>column instead of underneath the time?

I'm seeing the date underneath the time here.

>- I can't bind Win-Shift-+ (aka Win-* on a german keyboard) to Maximize

Where are you trying to do this and what error (or incorrect behavior) are you 

>- Akregator crashes when started with my original archive, and does so,
>too, after only importing the feeds.opml. I'll try to partition the
>feeds into smaller chunks. ~500 might be too much.

No problems here, but I only have a few dozen feeds.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'                    \_/

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