Alle Sunday 26 April 2009, hai scritto:
> On Saturday 25 Apr 2009, Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Alle giovedì 23 aprile 2009, Bob ha scritto:
> > > I can set the screensaver and display power management with the "System
> > > Settings" application and these parameters remain for the current session
> > > but they need to re-set again after a re-boot.
> > >
> > > Similarly when running Kontact,I have the same problem with kmail and
> > > knode "Unread" and "Total" columns which I set by selecting the "view
> > > columns" by right clicking in the title bar.
> > >
> > > Is there a setting I have missed somewhere that will make these settings
> > > stick between sessions?
> >
> > It sounds like a permission problem. Can you check if the configuration
> > files inside ~/.kde/share/config/ and ~/.kde/share/apps/ have set the
> > correct permissions for writing and reading?
> Thank you for the suggestion, but I cant see any problems with the 
> permissions. I wonder if the problem is associated with the bug in
> article: <> 
> several package related bugs in kde4.22
> "--- 
> 2. Screensaver does not unlock. I suppose, this is a rights problem by the 
> application, which starts or unlocks the screensaver (I had the same problem 
> in kde3 to, where I had to set the sticky bit for root). In kde4 things are 
> handled in an other way, so I am a little bit lost, where to look."
> Bob

No, I don't think looking at their descriptions that these problems are the 
same in anyway. You have something that does not retain your settings, this 
other guy is having problems with unlocking the screen after the screensaver 
has started. The only thing in common, from my POV is that you are talking 
about screensaver, apart from that two completely different bugs.
Have you tried to create a new user and then look if the behavior is the same?


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