
 I have a Logitech G15 keyboard, and have two problems since
 the upgrade to 4.2.4

 First is that the ctrl+shift (to select a word at a time, say) does
 not work.  Shift+cursors work fine to select an area, and
 ctrl+cursors work fine to move forward and backwards a
 word at a time.  This has been observed in every editable
 window I've got (ajax widgets in konq, kmail, kate, oofice etc)

 I've found some references to this problem and xkb mappings,
 but they pretty much all relate to old versions of both X and
 KDE (3.x branch).  I know X is being upgraded at the same time
 with unstable .. so I'm hoping this has bitten someone else already.

 Second one is on how to use my extended keys - the G15 keyboard
 provides 18 new keys you can assign to things.  With earlier
 versions of X and KDE, I could assign 6 of these to flick straight to
 one of my six virtual desktops, and another 6 to send a window
 to a given desktop.  With System Settings | Keyboard & Mouse |
 Global Keyboard Shortcuts | KWin -- I have two problems.    I can't
 have more than one setting for 'Switch to Desktop x' (you used to
 have primary/secondary on KDE3) - so it looks like I have to surrender
 ctrl-F1 to F6.  And on 'Window to Desktop x' it now complains that
 Qt can't support that key.  G15 daemon installed, xkb (in systray)
 recognises the keyboard properly etc.


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