Valerio Passini wrote:
> Alle martedì 25 agosto 2009, jedd ha scritto:
>>  Hi Valerio,
>>  Thanks for your suggestion, and your xorg device section.
>>  I copied that into my xorg, replacing my existing sections for
>>  my two 8600's.
>>  It just took 8 seconds to resize an empty (apart from a prompt)
>>  konsole that occupied a third of the screen.
>>  That is, I click and hold the top edge, and move the mouse up or
>>  down, and then wait.
>>  8 seconds!  Hot dang!
>>  I've counted up to 11 seconds in some cases, but it usually
>>  hovers around the 3-6 second mark.
>>  I'm not convinced it's a KDE 4 problem, but it doesn't seem like an
>>  X problem simply because it is affecting konsole and, seemingly,
>>  nothing else.  I think I saw a bit of tardy response from okular,
>>  but that hasn't been repeatable.  It doesn't appear to be text-
>>  based, as this email window (kmail) can resize very quickly.
>>  Ditto other applications I use (OOo, quanta, konq, iceweasel,
>>  amarok) -- all of them tend to be text-heavy.
>>  I modified my konsole settings - for several years I've used the
>>  dark/transparent background - but I went back to something
>>  more conservative just on the off-chance.  No change.
>>  I made the changes that thread you posted suggested - these
>>  were nvidia-settings from a user-level account - and again, no
>>  change.
>>  Remember, I'm on a quad-core box, 2GB ram, very little happening
>>  on the CPU front (trickling along at 8% on average), and one monitor.
>>  7 seconds - consistently! - just to resize one type of application
>>  is a particularly curious little bug.
>>  Hence I was interested if anyone else around these parts is seeing
>>  anything similar.  It's looking like I might be on my own, though.
>>  cheers,
>>  Jedd.
> Sorry for replying just now, I've been away. Have you the same problem on 
> both 
> your PCs? Have you tried to login with a fresh account just to check that 
> this 
> is not a problem related to configuration? My PC has half the power 
> of your and it's always smooth so your problem is really weird ;).
> Other things I suggest to check are:
> Compositing type: OpenGL
> Mark Enable Direct Rendering
> Unmark Use Vsync
> OpenGL mode Texture from pixmaps
> Let me know your progresses
> Bye

I have a  a 8600GT on my desktop, and I don't experience this issue at
all. But, on my laptop which is running the fglrx driver I have the
exact same behavior with konsole (around 5-9sec to resize). Both are
up-to-date Debian Squeeze kde4 (kernel 2.6.30), with the more or less
the same effects enabled, and both with bare xorg.conf, but the laptop
is running Sid xorg and fglrx.
I was thinking it was just a matter of fglrx performing poorly with my
hardware, but your message makes me think there's another problem behind
this. I will try to test the setting and isolate the difference in kde4
configuration between the two computers, but I think they are almost the

Your not alone in weird-land ;-)


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