Modestas, Manolete, PK, Rod, Valerio - thanks for your ideas.

 I deleted my .kde directory entirely, rather than trying just
 to remove the konq conf and app stuff under there - I reasoned
 there was much to reconfigure, and it'd be a good opportunity
 to make a note of all the changes I make (I suspect I'll have to
 refer to that note semi-regularly now :(

 After 8 days of using this new raw ~/.kde, and doing no updates
 to my system (and with 4.3.2 beckoning) I can observe / conclude
 the following:

 konsole resizing taking up to 20+ seconds - was fixed by this
 purge / rebuild.  A mystery, to be sure.  Does tend to suggest,
 given no nVidia driver changes in that time, that it was something
 weird about KDE's or qt's graphics primitives.

 kmail bug of not remembering sender to be left of subject still
 present.  There's a bug report out for this, as there's some
 theme stuff that conflicts with kmail settings.

 kmail bug of horizontal scroll bar appearing in the message-list
 area - I *think* this relates to a window width calculation bug, 
 stemming from the fact that I keep my toolbar on the left (rather
 than up the top).  If anyone wants to experiment with their toolbar
 on the left for a little while and report back that'd be appreciated.

 Logitech G15 keys not being accepted by qt - there's a bug out
 for this, I think I found it in Ubuntu, with an upstream bug reference
 back to nokia's site, and a suggestion the fix was in their CVS, so
 fingers crossed this comes through in the next few months.

 Konqueror weirdness - I am *still* getting duplicate windows on
 login, after clean logouts.  The duplicate windows sometimes miss
 toolbars (I choose to have the HTML toolbar always visible, for the
 -/+ font buttons).  I still occasionally start a new konq and get an
 old konqueror window (file or html) pop up - one that I didn't even
 realise had died.  Iceweasel continues to frustrate, and isn't a
 useful replacement for konqueror either.  Not sure what to do on
 this front.

 Manolete - my konq crash was much more severe than the type
 you describe.  If you're interested, grab the attachment on the
 report at - please
 comment at b.k.o if you can reproduce the crash - it happens
 as soon as I load the .war and hit the 'increase font size' button.

 Also, I have good success with quanta - has to be force installed,
 at the moment, until I get around to rebuilding the .deb - but it
 works a treat on KDE4.  It'll be fantastic once kdevelop4 comes up
 to speed, as it looks like this is intended to replace quanta in the
 KDE4 world - eventually.  I've played with a few alternatives, and
 the best I've found is Aptana - but it just doesn't compare, despite
 being 200+MB (to Quanta's 6MB).  {sigh}


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