
On ketvirtadienis 06 Gegužė 2010 01:54:06 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

> I'm still using kmail/kontact/etc. (basically kdepim) from 4.3 since I 
> have no desire to run yet another RDBMS on my system.  (I already run 
> PostgreSQL, and have a number of apps that use SQLite installed.)


> Okay, ending this email here, because thinking about a stable Debian that
> includes KDEPIM 4.4 angers and saddens me.

How many users have postgres installed on their desktop? Do you complain just 
because `ps aux | grep mysqld` returns something and you can't stand it or you 
have any real issues with it?

Modestas Vainius <modes...@vainius.eu>

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