On Tuesday, 2010-05-04, David Baron wrote:
> I still have not gotten to the root of this very annoying problem.
> In the earliest KDE4 versions, stuff started up at the normal default nice
>  of 0 (priority 20). I had a renice script to get all those akonadi daemons
>  niced out of the way so kde4 would be usable.
> One version (4.2.*) had stuff starting at 0, priority 40 (did not know
>  there was such an animal) but it played nicely.
> After that, it seems, everything of kde4's menus, desktop icons, anything
>  it spawns is being niced to 19. This renders kde4 unusable. So my renicer
>  script sets plasma-desktop, kmail and several of the core utilities back
>  to 0 so I can use it. But this workaround is no answer.
> I have no idea why this is going on. Any ideas?

The question is what renices the processes in the first place.
It could be something specific to your system, at least I have never seen this 
on any of my machines nor heard any local KDE users report this when meeting 

All user process running here are nice 0, prio 20
The only processes with a different nice value are
udevd (-4), boinc (19), syslog-ng(5) and gpm(5)

Maybe some system wide setting or some change in startkde or an extender 
script in $HOME/.kde/env?


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