
On Saturday 02 April 2011 23:01:33 Michael Schuerig wrote:
> On Saturday 02 April 2011, Michael Schuerig wrote:
> > I've re-enabled the Strigi indexer, that for me previously caused
> > more  trouble than delight, and it's now ploughing trough my files.
> > Occassionally, I'm getting notification dialogs that Nepomuk Service
> > Stub (the process handling nepomukstrigiservice) has crashed with a
> > segmentation fault, but nepomuk is recovering by itself, apparently.
> Well, I spoke too early. The indexer crashes all the time. I'm trying my
> luck on the commandline now with
> $ while true; do nepomukservicestub --nocrashhandler
> nepomukstrigiservice; done

It's probably strigi which is broken here. It is not part of KDE SC.

Modestas Vainius <mo...@debian.org>

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