On Sat, 25 Feb 2012 09:10:38 +1100
Scott Ferguson <prettyfly.producti...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Scott,

> Not to be inferred that I consider Florian *not* knowledgeable :-)

Good grief, no!

Ah, too easy to misconstrue what was meant.

> Just that I find those that posts heresay (google ain't evidence)
> "solutions", um, irritating.

Indeed.  I have similar feelings about those that cite Wikipedia.

> > I don't Amarok  
> You're missing out. ;-)
> IMHO it's up there with K3B, Digikam, FontMatrix, and FrozenBubble -
> similar programs are just pale imitations.

K3b I use regularly, but the rest, not so much.  To be fair though, K3b
is just a flashy front end for a load of other stuff.  OTOH, it does
make things so much easier than using all that "other stuff" directly.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
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