No errors so far, 1 day using

Thanks for updates )
regards, michael

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:27 AM, Eshat Cakar <i...@eshat.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.8.3 has been uploaded to our semi-official mirrors
> (available for both, amd64 and i386, systems).
> Note that the upload currently only contains base packages of Plasma
> Workspaces.
> Due to this partial upload [1], the packages are considered experimental
> and
> targeted at experienced users of the unstable distribution.
> Users of debian testing might use them too, if apt-get/aptitude is not
> complaining about dependency problems.
> However, it is not recommended to use the repository on production systems.
> If you're fine with that, head over to http://qt-kde.debian.net for
> install
> instructions.
> Feedback is highly appreciated, since it will help getting these packages
> into
> the official archive.
> Especially report any issues during the upgrade process (i.e.
> file/dependency
> conflicts) or if you encounter any misbehavior in KDE applications, that
> used
> to work before the upgrade.
> As usual, please do *NOT* report bugs in the BTS against these
> semi-official
> packages. Use this mailing list (debian-kde@lists.debian.org) or the IRC
> support channel #debian-kde at irc.debian.org instead.
> P.S. Wether you decide to upgrade, or not: if you previously used
> /etc/apt/preferences.d/kde-experimental to upgrade to 4.7.4 from
> experimental,
> make sure to delete it, since it is not necessary for KDE SC 4.7.4 anymore
> and
> might cause trouble in future releases.
> Best regards
> Eshat, on behalf of the pkg-kde Team
> [1] The reason why the upgrade is not covering all KDE SC packages, is
> that we
>    want to upload the packages to unstable in various batches to make the
>    transitions to testing easier. A list of built 4.8.3 source packages can
>    be found at http://qt-kde.debian.net/debian/.
>    Also the kdeutils and kdeaccessibility packages were split into
>    multiple small source packages with KDE SC 4.8, which implies some extra
>    work, that has not been completed yet.
> --
> eshat cakar
> web: www.eshat.de                       gpg-id: 799B 95D5

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