
thanks for the quick reply.

måndagen den 11 juni 2012 12.28.48 skrev  Pino Toscano:

> This package is one of the two currently not compatible with KDE
> workspace 4.8 libraries, so thanks for working on it.
Well my main motivation is that i use it and the new unity-looking-like 
plasmoid that does the same thing, is not really the same.

> It could seem ok, although having some kind of release upstream would be
> even better...
Uh i know, i just wrote to the author and hope in a reply. And opened a couple 
of bugs to point out outdated readme..

> If he agrees, you could always have yourself as added Uploader (which
> equals to a co-maintainer).
he hasn't replied yet and he has not been online in the past days so i think 
we should give him more time.
In case he agrees, I've already put myself as uploader and re-uploaded the 
package on my homepage


> This change shall be described in changelog.
> In general, any change you do shall be there, like [..]
Ok i think i added everything in the changelog file.

> copyright needs to be updated with the new contributor(s) too.
Finding the name and email of the new author wasn't really trivial but in the 
end i found it in the copyright notice of one of the source files (recent 

> The fact that there isn't a stable release does not help with this; one
> solution could be to append a marker of the flupp VCS snapshot, like:
>   0.0~wip20100227+flupp0~hgYYYYMMDD
Using this version.
However lintian doesn't seem very happy about the resulting filenames.

> That is not an issue.

Well then i guess i am done, and Salvo Rinaldi can either agree on the changes 
or do other changes himself before the upload.

Salvo Tomaselli

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