On Wednesday, 2013-04-17, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 17. April 2013 schrieb Kevin Krammer:
> > On Wednesday, 2013-04-17, Diane Trout wrote:
> > > Did you check to see if the message was still on the server after it
> > > vanished locally?
> > > 
> > > I wonder if they started assuming local is a cache?
> > 
> > All caching is handled by Akonadi server, all content in file based
> > resources, e.g. maildir resource, is not involved in any cache handling.
> Thanks Kevin, thats what I thought, but it is good to head a confirmation.
> Andras mentioned that he is also using POP3 with Akonadi and he has no data
> losses.

It is also the main setup used by current KMail maintainer Laurent Montel 


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