On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Andreas Bourges <a...@bourges.de> wrote:

> Hi Brad,
> On Tuesday 01 September 2015 08:51:17 Brad Alexander 00
> No, no, no,no... apt would have uninstalled all those packages - until
> yesterday. Then the situation got way better (from a
> package-removal-upgrade perspective ;-) ), so I decided to give it a try.

Well, I do know it wanted to do the uninstalls today...

>  akonadiconsole, for example, was *not* removed during the dist-upgrade.
> But I think this only worked, because I still have some packages installed
> from experimental...

Please note that I don't have the experimental repos enabled. That may be
my problem...

> BTW: running sid is already quite a risk during such transformations - but
> running it your wife's machine is more than brave ;-)

Been doing it for years. :)

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