Thanks for your answers !

They gave me some insight and I started reading...

sni-qt is for QT4 only. Since I have a QT5.4 KDE (Debian unstable) and QT5.4 
has the QPA-API (which replaces sni-qt), I should see my Tray Icon regarding
But I don't.

Could anyone provide an Java example code that shows SNI / TrayIcon on QT >= 
5.4 (using OpenJDK 7 or 8) ? I could and would amend my application.


      Tim Rühsen

On Friday 18 September 2015 23:52:56 Kevin Krammer wrote:
> On Friday, 2015-09-18, 11:18:09, Richard Newton wrote:
> > I had similar problem with "synergy" and have seen reports about other
> > programs. As a work-around I installed  "lxpanel", configured it to only
> > show the system-tray, located it so it doesn't interfere with the KDE
> > panel, and made it unobtrusive.  Any panel should work, I only used
> > lxpanel
> > because I was familiar with it and it is light-weight.
> > 
> > I understand KDE changed the way they handle system-tray items. Either
> > they
> > need to make a way to use the "old method" or all the effected programs
> > 
> >  will need to adjust to the KDE method. Don't know how that is going to
> >  go!
> All major workspace implementations (GNOME, KDE, Unity, but also smaller
> ones) on Linux are changing this because the current (now legacy) option is
> based on an X11 specific mechanism and won't be available on Wayland or
> Mir.
> The new system, called Status Notifier Icons, is based on a windowing system
> independent mechanism and can be used on X11 and next generation display
> systems.
> Most UI frameworks have kept up with that change, after all they want to
> stay relevant in the future as well, but it seems Java hasn't or at least
> not in the version used by Tim's program.
> Quite a shame given that Java started out as *the* option for cross platform
> application development, but always lacked platform integration in the
> default feature set (one of the reasons why so many multiplatform Java
> applications use Eclipse's SWT instead of SWING).
> Anyway, for now there are quite some tools capable of providing an XEmbed
> based "tray area", I think Martin Gräßlin's blog even mentions a couple.
> Cheers,
> Kevin

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