On Sunday, 4 October 2015 17:00:02 UTC+1, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez  wrote:

> Current uploaders are either busy or not interested.
> If someone with packaging experience wants to take over digikam I'll gladly 
> help, but you *definitely* need packaging experience, it's not currently an 
> easy pick.
> As long as no one steps up for doing the maintenance work digikam will not be 
> updated.
> Kinds regards, Lisandro.

It is obvious that the current uploaders are busy, which is why I didn't simply 
post asking when digikam would be updated.

Thanks for the clear statement, which enables digikam users to plan 
appropriately. I suspect I'll run an alternative distro on a usb stick for the 
uncommon occasions when I need it.


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