The only applet I have on my desktop it "folder view"...
I have also seem, when I'm making some long file copy, the turning thing in the
notification area is consuming lot's of CPU in plasmashell. I don't know if it is linked...
Le 20/03/2016 20:41, Valerio Passini a écrit :
I've seen this behaviour when applets are open. Weather applet is pretty nasty for
example. I suggest to you to start a session without any of them.
Il 03/Mar/2016 12:11, "David Baron" <d_ba...@012.net.il <mailto:d_ba...@012.net.il>> ha
On Thursday 03 March 2016 11:32:56 C. Mourad Jaber wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently experimenting an issue with plasmashell
> (plasma-framework:5.16.0-1).
> For an unknown reason plasmashell process start to eat 1 CPU at 100% and
> stay stuck to consume all that power...
> It seem to be linked to suspend-resume cycle.
> Is there any possibility to have some logs or to analyse that issue ?
> As workaround, when it happen, I kill and restart plasmashell :
> $ killall plasmashell ; kstart plasmashell
> And Cpu consumption goes down normally...
> Regards
> Mourad
I had previously posted: When I start a new session (old session still
running), the older session's plasmashell CPU is way up, sometimes bogging
system! If I unlock the old session's desktop, that problem subsides, though
its plasmashell can still sometimes eat a lot of CPU, but not crippling.
What is the difference between "kstart plasmashell" and (simply)
to restart it?