On lunes, 18 de julio de 2016 3:41:33 P. M. ART inkbottle wrote:
> On Sunday, July 17, 2016 20:18:35 Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
> > As was posted [a couple of weeks ago], the latest version of KDE has been
> > uploaded to unstable.
> > 
> > [a couple of weeks ago]
> > <http://perezmeyer.blogspot.com/2016/07/upcoming-kdepim-changes-in-unstabl
> > e
> > .html>
> > 
> > All packages are now uploaded and built and we believe this version is
> > ready to be more broadly tested.
> Hi,
> I like to follow "testing", which I do for quite some time, but then I can't
> remember what is the right thing to do when there is a freeze, as it is the
> case now:
> https://release.debian.org/testing/freeze_policy.html
> On the one hand I really want to give all those packages a try (now), on the
> other hand I'm yet a wee bit reluctant to shift to sid... (I remember I had
> troubles, in the past, after doing so, and sticking to it for a period of
> time)
> When Strech is the new stable, will sid be the new testing?
> Should I go for a temporary shift?

the packages will be in Stretch hopefully soon, so no need to worry.

Cuando me preguntaron sobre algún arma capaz de contrarrestar el poder de la
bomba atómica, yo sugerí la mejor de todas: la paz.
 Albert Einstein

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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