On Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:06:15 AM CET you wrote:
> My computer is a laptop with it's lid closed: I use an external monitor with
> a higher resolution.
> Since last upgrade, when I lock the session and obviously leave the computer
> for some time; when I come back and move the mouse:
> The "password field" is moved/shifted to the upper left, as if to fit the
> resolution of the "laptop built in screen", the mouse pointer is moving, but
> the keyboard doesn't work, I can't enter my password.
> If then I open and close back the lid of the laptop, then I can use the
> keyboard again, and enter the password, with success.
> However, then I don't have a fully functional Kwin, I don't have neither
> panel of background, for instance: I couldn't open a terminal if I hadn't
> one already opened.
> Since I have one I type:
> qdbus org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer logout 0 0 0
> to logout, and then everything seems fine till the next time.
> It seems it does that always since last upgrade.
> The laptop is a thinkpad, so I do have a Intel HD graphics card.

My kernel is 4.7
If you wonder why I have "Only" that kernel it is because I did a "stretch" 
dist upgrade (with aptitude)
Then additionally installed KDE sid packages with that command.
aptitude -s -R --visual-preview -t sid install $(aptitude search -F"%p; %v; %V; 
%d" -t sid 
 -d\; -f1|tr '\n' ' ')
I did that about 3 or 4 days ago, I might not be relevant anymore, but that's 
the idea.
I did that after the observation of that page (at the considered time):

It might be a bad idea, but that's what I did.
My system is functional, save for the "big" glitch describe above.

Another peculiarity: I stopped using powerdevil some 2 month ago because it was 
giving me troubles with my configuration:
laptop with always closed lid and external monitor.

In any other aspect my system is pretty standard.


> Thanks,
> Chris

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