Hi Martin,

On Monday 30 January 2017 12:46:59 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > I have a lot of data in
> > 
> > ~/.local/share/akonadi/file_db_data
> > 
> > If this directory is pretty much empty, then your mail is probably gone. If
> > that directory is still huge, there seems to be some data left, not sure
> > how you recover the content though (it seems to be one file per mail, you
> > could open it with less or an other pager or editor).
> Sorry, thats dangerous half-knowledge.
> While it could be that something is in there, that Akonadi didnĀ“t save 
> elsewhere (yet), Akonadi is still mostly a cache. The real mail data is 
> elsewhere.

I am sorry that I spread my  half-knowledge... and many thanks for adding your 

Is there a way to control the size of this cache?

Mine seems to be huge

rd@blackbox:~/.local/share/akonadi/file_db_data$ du -sh .
12G     .

and I would not mind reducing it to a lower single digit GB number.

Many thanks

Rainer Dorsch

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