Short tutorial:

You need 'deb-src' entries in your '/etc/apt/source.list'

# apt install apt-src
# apt-src update
# mkdir /tmp/plasma
# cd /tmp/plasma
# apt-src install plasma-workspace
# apt-src build plasma-workspace
# dpkg --install plasma-workspace_5.13.4-1_amd64.deb

Then restart your session.

Yours Kai

Am Montag, 27. August 2018, 22:29:56 CEST schrieb Erwan David:
> Le 08/27/18 à 22:14, Kai Michael Hamich a écrit :
> > Just build the package 'plasma-workspace' via deb-src and install only
> > this
> > package afterwards. This will fix the problem!
> > 
> > Am Montag, 27. August 2018, 22:05:12 CEST schrieb Erwan David:
> >> Le 08/27/18 à 21:51, Luigi Toscano a écrit :
> >>> yaros ha scritto:
> >>>> Dnia poniedziałek, 27 sierpnia 2018 21:25:21 CEST Erwan David pisze:
> >>>>> Since latest upgrade, krunner does not find anything outside the
> >>>>> latest
> >>>>> documents (and cannot execute command lines), sametime system tray
> >>>>> cannot start anymore (and this on 2 different machines)
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> Do someone have a hint on what happens ?
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> (or is there a workaround) ?
> >>>> 
> >>>> Look at the topic "[Debian/buster] Problems after Upgrade 4:5.13.1-1
> >>>> to 4:5.13.4-1"
> >>>> And
> >>> 
> >>> Namely this email:
> >>>
> >> 
> >> Thanks. So what would be the safest way to get only the needed packages
> >> from unstable and not keep getting them from unstable in the future ?
> >> 
> >> My tests with soucre policies in the past lead to catastrophs because
> >> once a package was installed from unstable it was marked in some way and
> >> always came from unstable after that.
> Sorry I wouldn't know how to do this, is there somewhere a tutorial ?

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