Dear Luca.

Martin Steigerwald - 23.10.19, 18:51:19 CEST:
> luca.pedrielli - 23.10.19, 11:45:46 CEST:
> > plasmashell crashes with notification :(
> > 
> > I can reproduce it everytime with:
> > 
> > $ kdialog --passivepopup 'text' 5
> Thank you for report. I can reproduce it.
> So while apt dist-upgrade worked smoothly so far, you may like to wait
> with an upgrade until this is fixed or a generic work-around if
> found.
> plasma-workspace: plasmashell with Qt 5.12.5 crashes on any
> notification

Of course next time, Luca, feel free to report a bug yourself. I just 
reported the issue straight away on bug tracker and pinged other Debian/
Kubuntu Qt/KDE team members on IRC channel so it can quickly be acted 

A fix is being tested. If it works it may be uploaded soon.

Thank you again for your contribution.


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