Hi Pino.

Pino Toscano - 21.01.20, 06:37:07 CET:
> as it was mentioned already in other threads on this list,
> Plasma 5.17.5 is available in experimental.

Thank you very much for the packages and also for fixing the file conflict 
errors I ran across but saw reported already. 

I already installed it some days ago.

I have had a few strange glitches.

Sometimes second screen was not locked after resuming from suspend. 
KScreen did not seem to detect it anymore as the screen that it was 
before. I had similar issues before and it appears to be a mixture of 
complex issues that may also be related to the Intel i915 graphics 
driver. KScreen just seems to get confused in a different way now.

And there was a blank window somewhere in Systemsettings. I did not find 
it anymore. If I run across this again I report it here.

I really like the new night color feature. This way I do not need 
redshift anymore. Also there are nice improvements with lots of 
Systemsettings patches, Plasma Networkwork Manager integration (plasma-
nm) and other parts.


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