Hi Luc!

El lun., 17 feb. 2020 09:54, Luc Castermans <luc.casterm...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I read many times "the Debian KDE"-packaging team to be short of
> resources. Being a KDE-fan I am very much willing to help and started to
> lean about Debian packaging.


While I am studying Debian packaging I like to understand why KDE packaging
> needs so much effort. For example the LibreOffice package seems almost
> instantly available as soon as an up-stream release became available. Does
> LibreOffice need less Debian packaging effort?

Well, it depends. On one side I think kde stuff is composed of many more
source packages.

On the other side Rene, the LO maintainer, has been doing a wonderful job
in keeping it up to date. Now that this does not means we in the Qt/KDE
team haven't ;-)

I do not expect an e-mail thread about this, maybe I could meet with a
> knowledgeable DD on this, either F2F (I live in South of Netherlands) or
> virtual.

I *think* that currently most of the KDE parts are maintained by Pino, you
might want to ask him if he is able to provide you help with introducing
you to packaging it.

You can also hang around in #debian-kde on oftc and ping us there.

On the Qt side we need help, but we are currently failing to even provide
help to newcomers... we are very short on time :-(

Non the less feel free to ping me if you need packaging advice. I might not
be able to answer everything but I'll certainly try.

Cheers, Lisandro.


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