
> Install ONLY kde framework from experimental, NOT qt 5.14.
> It works flawlessy

As uploader of Frameworks I want to express: It is nice to know, that works 
for you flawlessly, that is a nice datapoint. But it is a known fact, that it 
will uninstall kmymoney and complete kdepim and some other packages too, so 
take care about what will be removed. And keep in mind, I do not sent a mail 
to this list that people should test the version on experimental on purpose, 
because I first wanted to have a look if things works for my computer before I 
call it ready for a bigger test. When I will sent such an email, I make sure 
that I get mails complaining about something is broken at a time, when I have 
capacities and the will to process them. 

Sure - feel free to test Frameworks from experimental now and send mails, that 
something is broken, but do not expect any ETA from anyone to fix it. But you 
can fix the found issues yourself on salsa an provide a merge request ;) And I 
would suggest, that you only do this experiment, if know how to downgrade the 
packages to sid just in case.


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