On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 12:12:01 -0500
Joe McEntire <get...@live.com> wrote:

Hello Joe,

>Does anyone else have issues getting the edit dialogue to come up in
>kde 5.19 

Can't offer any direct help (v5.17 here, mostly) but given several of us
have been experiencing issues with parts of KDE over the past week or
so, breakage is, currently, to be expected, I think.

There's been a lot of activity transitioning KDE recently. Things are
migrating, and not always in a fully synchronised way.  Breakage can be
expected for a while, I think.

On top of that, breakage is pretty much par for the course in sid and/or 

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Just stop and take a second
U & Ur Hand - P!nk

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