Adriano Vilela Barbosa - 14.08.21, 20:19:38 CEST:
> I understand this mechanism, but I think this is quite controversial
> and problematic. I mean, as an end user I don't care what the editor
> is doing behind the scenes; it just shouldn't be able to modify a file
> marked as read-only.

Welcome to the world of Unix permissions. :)

Whether the application should take extra caution is another question. I 
think for many applications it is a sane thing to give at least a hint 
to the user.

> This is the first time I came across this behavior. No text editor I
> ever used does this; LibreOffice doesn't do it either (rather, it
> shows a message saying the document is open in read-only and shows an
> "Edit Document" button, which allows you to edit the document and then
> save it under a different name).

vim for example sets read only mode and only saves with an "!" after the 
write command.

I see you filed an upstream bug report. And it got resolved in upstream 
version already. Thank you!


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