- on a laptop with integrated graphics controller it works :=)
- on a desktop with separate NVDIA card it doesn't even start (!)

As the saying is:   your mileage may vary.

Op vr 18 feb. 2022 om 15:51 schreef Leonid . <cpp...@ya.ru>:

> You should use X.org. Wayland is bad-wokring now.
> IMHO, if you aren't wayland developer you should forget this unstable tech
> :)
> 31.01.2022, 15:10, "Marc Haber" <mh+debian-...@zugschlus.de>:
> Hi,
> I tried Wayland recently. Looked ok, but was hardly usable. The Panels
> show, but don't accept any mouse clicks (neither left nor right).
> "Leave" in the desktop's right-click menu didn't work either, had to
> Ctrl-Alt-Backspace myself out of the session.
> Is this the expected beavior of a KDE Wayland session in current Debian
> unstable? If not, which package deserves the bug report?
> Greetings
> Marc
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Marc Haber | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
> Leimen, Germany | lose things." Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 6224 1600402
> Nordisch by Nature | How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 6224 1600421
> --

Luc Castermans

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