On 24/10/2023 12:03, Grzegorz Szymaszek wrote:
On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 11:57:46AM +0100, piorunz wrote:
This KDE guideline should definitely be improved:

It doesn't say anything about additional debugging repository available
in Debian! [...]

"See also the Debian document on How to get a Backtrace." links to

Thanks! This is my fault entirely for missing this.

Why there are two ways to obtain debugging symbols? I already have
export DEBUGINFOD_URLS="https://debuginfod.debian.net";, and this failed
to resolve all problems in debugger, it seems. If debuginfod works only
partially, then it should not be recommended, I would not fall into this
trap but have added additional Debian repository instead, long time ago.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

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