On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 07:43:16PM +0200, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
> Hi,
> Sven Luther writes:
> > Yeah, fine, and will we set this by default, or not ? 
> As long as we do not run the risk of accidentally clobbering any
> existing /boot/vmlinuz-<foo> files, fine.  That could be done through
> more elaborate checks in the script itself or through a debconf
> question, do it as you wish.

So, fine, please have mkvmlinuz set this value.

> > > > >   mkvmlinuz /boot/vmlinux-2.6.7-powerpc 2.6.7-powerpc
> > man kernel-img.conf 
> [...]
> > two arguments, the first being the version of the kernel image, and
> > the second argument being the location of the kernel image itself.
> [...]
> > What part of that did i misunderstand ? 
> The ordering of the arguments to mkvmlinuz should be the other way
> round, and for the output file you may want to refer to mkvmlinuz(8).

Well, doesn't work in either way, and this means that mkvmlinuz cannot
be directly used in postinst_hook.


Sven Luther

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