
as explained earlier, i moved the subversion layout to be :


and then the tags to somethign like.


iand the branches to :


This means that it is now possible to checkout the whole trunk without
bothering about tags and branches. You will find also a small README
file in kernel/trunk, which explains this stuff. I reproduce it here :

Some basic instructions :

  Initial checkout :
    svn co svn+ssh://<user>@svn.debian.org/svn/kernel/trunk

  Updating a checked out repository :

    svn update (in the directory of the repository)

  Checkin in changes :

    svn ci (in the directory of the repository)

  Adding files :

    svn add <file or dir name>

  Creating dirs :

    svn mkdir <newdir>

  Moving files or dirs :

    svn mv <ildname> <newname>
  Tagging after an upload :

    svn cp svn+ssh://<user>@svn.debian.org/svn/kernel/trunk/kernel/2.6/powerpc \

  Branching :

    svn cp svn+ssh://<user>@svn.debian.org/svn/kernel/trunk/kernel/2.6/powerpc
  Exporting before an upload :

    svn export 
svn+ssh://<user>@svn.debian.org/svn/kernel/trunk/kernel/2.6/powerpc \

Upload procedure :

  1) Change the changelog entry from UNRELEASED to unstable.
  2) export the package.
  3) go into the exported dir and do the build
  4) upload.
  5) checkin the changes.
  6) tag the package.

Changelog practice :

  When making a change in a package, without having it uploaded,
  please put the changelog entry to UNRELEASED instead of unstable.
  When doing the upload this UNRELEASED is changed back to unstable.


Sven Luther

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