On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 11:11:41PM +0200, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
> Hi,
> Sven Luther writes:
> > Could this not be solved by simply making the kernel-source
> > kernel-tree kernel-patch-debian dependency strict ?
> This is equivalent to dropping kernel-tree and kernel-patch-debian
> altogether.

No, because even if you have the newest stuff, you still can get the older
patch set. Mmm, i somehow see what you mean, but would this be so bad ? And is
the fact we have them separate such a bad thing if the only benefit is to have
different things in different packages ? 

> > After all, there is almost zero chance to have the patches in
> > separate states, since they are built from the same package.
> In the archive, yes.  But a user may choose to put a new kernel-source
> package on hold once it's installed and upgrade to further revisions
> using kernel-tree, saving a hell of a lot of download volume.

Ok. I understand about that. Still, the kernel-patch package should be able to
make the upgrade, since it contains the patchset betweem the version of
kernel-source the user has, and the last one. He needs to unapply the veersion
he has, and reapply the latest one, right ? 


Sven Luther

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