In general this is a bug report. However lots of details are missing.
I hope it will ring a bell for someone, sometime, or that you will be
able to guide me on how to get more information.

  The setup is:

    +------------+         +------------+        +------------+
        | NFS client |         |   router   |        | NFS server |
        |            |         |     +      |        |            |
        |  2.6.7-4   |         | NFS client |        |  2.6.7-4   |
    +------------+         +------------+        +------------+

The focus is the router, which is also an nfs client. There are lots of
`nfs server not responding' messages in the clients syslog when the
router runs 2.6.7-[24]. It makes real work quite impossible. NFS works 
when the router runs 2.6.5-4.
  I suspect that it could be related to the nic drivers, because I have
a problem with the nics in the router and the NFS server. However this
might be unrelated to the nfs problems.
"If you have an apple and I have  an apple and we  exchange apples then
you and I will still each have  one apple. But  if you have an idea and I
have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two
ideas." -- George Bernard Shaw        (sent by  shaulk @ 013 . net . il)

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