On Tue, Dec 14, 2004 at 08:03:15AM -0800, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> > Being able to inspect the kernel variables and the kernel content
> > with:
> >> gdb /boot/vmlinux /proc/kcore
>       I disagree. People who want the bare vmlinux can use the
>  configuration option install_vmlinux to get the debugging symbols
>  they need

I would like to be able to have a copy of the vmlinux used to generate
the kernel in kernel-image-* packages.  Maybe it will overbloat the
package, but we could add it to anothe package or at least leave it at
some URL... I don't want to debug the kernel just for fun, but to be
able to know what is going on when some weird things happen.

I could recompile my own kernel to create my vmlinux, but unless I use
exactly the same enviroment (gcc, etc), the resulting vmlinux will not
match the kernels shipped with Debian, and that's what I need.

I don't know what is the best solution for this, but I would really
like to have access to the vmlinux used to generate our kernels...

>       Just like other packages, it is easy enough to recreate the
>  kernel image package with debugging symbols built in, and that should
>  be all that is required.

But unlike other packages, it is not easy to compile other kernel and
just run it... in some situations, stopping a machine to try a new
kernel is not acceptable.


    .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+''
 Juan Cespedes     /       \       /       \      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
.+'         `+...+'         `+...+'         `+...+'         `+...+'

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