also sprach Jurij Smakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005.06.10.0258 +0200]:
> In order for the capability stuff to function the capability.ko
> module should be loaded. The situation you describe indeed occurs
> when capability.ko is not loaded into the kernel. So I would say
> that this is lcap bug, as it is fails to inform the user that
> capabilities cannot be removed.

Yes, I agree with you. Alternatively, it should just load the module
if not present.

> I have also tried it with capability module loaded, and then the
> command 'lcap CAP_SYS_MODULE' strips _all_ the capabilities, so it
> seems to be broken in more than one way. After that loading the
> modules is, in fact, impossible. I'll file the bug against lcap
> once I have a confirmation that it indeed misbehaves.

I can confirm this behaviour on both, Debian sid with 2.6.11 and
lcap 0.0.6, and SuSE 9.2 with 2.6.8 and lcap 0.0.3.


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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer, admin, user, and author
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