On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 06:22:37PM -0400, Jeffrey Mark Siskind wrote:
>Please note that bootint with rootdelay=20 does not solve the problem. It only
>masks it.
> 1. If I attempt a fresh USB install of jessie, when md0 is correctly built
>    before the install, the process of doing the fresh install breaks
>    md0. When it gets to grub install, components of md0 are missing (even
>    though all six components were present before the install). And
>    grub-install fails. At this point it is impossible to complete the install
>    and produce a bootable system.
> 2. If I do a fresh minimal USB install of wheezy, rebuilding md0 in the
>    process, and then do a dist-upgrade to jessie, I can manually add
>    rootdelay=20 in grub and boot into jessie with all six components of md0
>    present. But if I do so, then after boot, if I do dpkg-reconfigure pc-grub,
>    doing that gives errors, drops components of md0, precludes me from adding
>    them back, fails to install grub, and leaves the machine in an unbootable
>    state.
>I fear that there is a problem writing to disk. Even if I boot with
>rootdelay=20, unless the kind of writes that dpkg-reconfigure pc-grub does are
>different, doing ordinary writes to disk may also corrupt the disk.
>Please let me know what new information you would like me to gather.

Ummm. Checking back up-thread, I can see that you're using md0 across
more than 4 disks and you're trying to boot off it with
grub-pc. You're hitting BIOS limitations here - the BIOS is only
capable of accessing 4 disks. I'm *guessing* that maybe the newer grub
in jessie is just being pickier about checking BIOS access to those
disks. Try just using 4 of the disks for md0, and I'd expect it to

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have
 nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free
 speech because you have nothing to say."
   -- Edward Snowden

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