On 14931 March 1977, Steve McIntyre wrote:

> HOWEVER... those dates clash with another group already booked in at
> the LinuxHotel in Essen. So we've started talking to people in Fulsa
> as a fallback option. We have a tentative space for a venue and now we
> need to book hotel rooms. So... If you're *definitely* planning on
> coming for the sprint (Fulda, Germany, 5-8 April) please reply to this
> mail to confirm in the next few days and we will organise. Now is a
> good time to book travel.

> I'll start by saying "yes, I'm definitely coming".

I'll be here for sure. :)

For those booking tickets:
For a flight, ensure you go to FRA - Frankfurt am Main -, not Frankfurt
Hahn (which is way off).

Train ticket on bahn.de/bahn.com, search for Trip from FRA to FD (the
site nicely takes those shorthands), you should find "Savings fare" and
a return ticket for around 50€. Just ensure to leave enough time between
your planned flight arrival/departure and the train times, as you MUST
take the selected train with such a ticket.

Also, don't bother with regional trains, select the ICE with no change,
runs once every hour.

bye, Joerg

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