On 06/05/18 07:01, Ben Hutchings wrote:
I wonder if this is related to the recent RNG changes.  It seems that
many programs have started using blocking RNG functions like
getentropy(), and now that the kernel is more conservative in its
initial entropy estimation they can block for a long time.  Keyboard or
mouse input adds entropy.
At a guess, plymouth is starting the X server and the X server wants
random bits for MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE authentication.

Ben, I think you might be right. Only a few mouse wiggles are sufficient to trigger the appearance of the plymouth LUKS screen. I guess that mouse activity is a richer source of entropy than key presses.

So, where to from here? Should this be reassigned to plymouth or xorg?

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
Transient Software Limited <https://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

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