On Monday, 21 February 2022 17:25:33 CET Petra Rübe-Pugliese wrote:
> > if yes, can you remote if from the kernel command line and see
> > if you get more information on the screen?
> How would that be done?

If you do "cat /proc/cmdline" and see the word 'quiet' in there, then it's not 
as verbose as it could be on screen.

If you're using GRUB and the system boots up and you see the GRUB menu, press 
'e' to edit the line and remove the 'quiet' word. That way it will not be 
quiet for that boot.

If you want to remove it by default, look in /etc/default/grub and there you 
should see (f.e.):

So if you remove the 'quiet' word there and do an update-grub, then the boot 
will be 'noisier' by default (on every boot).


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