Control: tag -1 fixed-upstream

On Saturday, 11 June 2022 09:33:09 CEST Stephan Verbücheln wrote:
> I found an upstream report which has matching symptoms.
> However, there is confusion about the resolution. One reply states that
> it was resolved in 5.18.0, but other replies talk about accidental fixes.
> A fix was submitted more recently than 5.18.0 release:
is where it is fixed. But there is indeed some confusion as noted by Linus:

I normally use
and if you search for the primary commit message, it doesn't find it.
If you add "commit/?id=c42e65664390be7c1ef3838cd84956d3a2739d60" to that base
URL, you'll see "Notice: this object is not reachable from any branch."

So it is fixed upstream and according to Linus it is also part of 5.19-rc1
Apparently it's considered an important fix, so I guess it should be backported
to 5.18 'shortly'.

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